PEP Inspirations
“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.”
“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.”
- Maya Angelou
Performance Education Partnership, Inc. prides itself on staying current with educational research. Below is a sampling of the vast library digested and translated into actionable steps that are taught, practiced, and measured to build leadership capacity and system coherence in an ever-changing landscape.
Simple Rule:
Simple Rule:
Look for the True and Useful
Look for the True and Useful
Coherence is a book that demands action – it moves from the narrative of fixing one teacher at a time, to asking about the coherence of the system (be it school, national, or world issues). Fullan and Quinn create an important narrative about direction, working together, deepening learning, and securing accountability.
This book defines what deep learning is, and takes up the question of how to mobilize complex, whole-system change and transform learning for all students. Deep Learning works to transform the role of teachers to that of activators who design experiences that build global competencies using real-life problem solving . Deep learning develops examples at every level ―from the individual student and teacher, to the classroom, school, and state.
The big idea is ‘know thy impact.’ Hattie argues in his book that expert teachers are not wedded to specific ideas but instead focus regularly on evaluating the effects they have on their students and adjust teaching methods accordingly. When learning is visible the student knows what to do and how to do it and the teacher knows if learning is occurring or not. The key message is that teachers and leaders need to be continually aware of the impact they are having on their students and from the evidence of this impact, they need to make decisions about changing approaches.
Donohoo and Velasco′s book provides an engaging, informed and practical call to action for placing educators as the leaders of their own, their peers′ and their students′ learning through The Transformative Power of Collaborative Inquiry. They go beyond merely calling for action to providing examples from schools and educators, their own professional experiences, and from latest research evidence.
Designed to overcome a common barrier to successful implementation of school improvement efforts--entrenched belief systems--this book digs deeper into the power of collective efficacy. Teams with a strong sense of collective efficacy devise ways to make “what’s supposed to work” actually work, and find ways to exercise control over challenges that surround them.
Seven core leadership competencies for systemic change in schools, districts, and state education systems are examined. Discover targeted strategies to move past failed initiatives and overcome initiative overload, explore how to cultivate effective work practices, and gain the know-how to create enjoyable, innovative learning environments.
Coherent School Leadership combines the components of Fullan's Framework with Kirtman's 7 Competencies for Highly Effective Leaders to drive coherence. The book creates a shared depth of understanding about the nature of the work and how it impacts the results desired for student achievement—to change the culture in schools from reactive to proactive.
Wiseman's premise is there are Multipliers (people who make everyone around them smarter) and Diminishers (people who may be brilliant on their own, but micromanage, and inhibit the growth of everyone around them). Actually, there are very few absolute Multiplier or Diminisher personalities; most of us are somewhere on the continuum. The multiplier effect paradigm allows informal leaders within an organization to contribute to critical decisions that impact an organization, and build organizational capacity by allow all members of the organization to have a voice.
In Shattering Inequities, authors Robin Avelar LaSalle and Ruth S. Johnson provide unique ways to reveal the truth behind the data, concrete steps necessary to disrupt patterns of inequity, and provide focused plans of action necessary to address policies and practices that do not support the best education for ALL students!
This updated edition of the bestseller continues to explain the need for candid, courageous conversations about race so that educators may understand why achievement inequality persists and learn how they can develop a curriculum that promotes true educational equity and excellence. Resources include:
- Revised Courageous Conversation Compass
- Racial autobiographies
- Links to video segments of the author describing the work
- Activities and checklists for school and district leaders
- Action and implementation steps
Duckworth shares her research into the characteristics of successful people. She argues that innate talent is less important to success than the willingness to persevere despite difficulty and initial failure.People tend to believe that innate ability is the most important determinant of success, however IQ tests and other measures of supposedly natural talent are poor predictors of performance. Instead, questionnaires designed to measure perseverance and determination correlate these qualities with success.
Hard workers with determination can succeed even in fields like math, which students usually regard as dominated by people with talent or genius. Grit itself is not a fixed characteristic; rather, it is a trait that can be learned and cultivated.
This 2nd edition is timely as there’s even greater urgency for us all to critically examine our attitudes, beliefs, and practices when working with students who look or sound “different.” The authors’ goals are to provide standards-based teaching and leading with equitable interactions that support all students achieving at highest levels and to encourage a more holistic mindset and expanded contextual uses. New features:
- Enhanced research on the effectiveness of coaching in educational settings
- New data on response to implicit bias and microaggressions--subtle and unintentional, yet destructive, forms of discrimination that continue to marginalize
- Refinement and updating of the Tools of Cultural Proficiency, which enable equitable life-affirming experiences for all cultural groups
- Models of Culturally Proficient Coaching Conversations
- Breakthrough Questions to shift entrenched mindsets and barriers to Cultural Proficiency