PEP Blog
Simple Rule:
Recognize AND Build on
the Assets of Self and Others
“The greatest effects on student LEARNing occur when the TEACHers become LEARNers of their own TEACHing and when students become their own TEACHers.”
/ John Hattie /
If we have chosen a profession that espouses life-long-learning, how can we in good conscious not look at the effect of our instructional practice and strive to do better?
If the work was easy, we'd all have slayed the "precision of pedagogy" dragon long ago and all students would be successful at the highest levels. Because, however, we are human, and the product we develop is human, we must continue to evolve. While some issues are hard, nothing is intractable. Seek the true and useful.
Dr. Padilla, August 9, 2020
“The solution requires the individual and collective ability to build shared meaning, capacity, and commitment to action.”
We are in this boat together! Each day, we put our oars in the water and ready ourselves to propel the students forward on their learning journey. Usually we can "keep keel" and remain steady, but sometimes we "catch a crab" resulting in the stalling or loss of learning. Let's coordinate and get in sync, take turn being the coxswain and cheer each other on. The "race" is won when we've collectively crossed the graduation line college and career ready.
Dr. Padilla--September 1, 2020
"Our moral integrity is at risk when, as the very resource that parents trust will care for their children and prepare them for a productive future, we wait to see what the next mandate will be from the statehouse rather than teach and lead in ways that are culturally responsive."
While COVID-19 has put a spotlight on learning inequities, and the government has provided extra funding to mitigate learning loss, as educators we know the pandemic is not the impetus of learning gaps. We owe it to our future generations to productively embrace and engage with diversity as the most important work of our time. It's not about assimilating all of our citizens, but providing equitable opportunities for all of them. We have to be courageous and do the hard work.
Dr. Padilla, September 11, 2020